Finding new leads for you MLM business can seem daunting after your initial excitement drops off. You have prospected all your friends and business partners and maybe one or two have decided to get involved with you, perhaps because they felt obligated, but most didn't want to and now you face the "What Do I Do Now?" moment.
It could of course be that you are a Super Sponsoring Machine, that everyone wants to get involved with you, but most of us mere mortals , generally only sponsor a few and one of those is our "mother". To find the reason for this we must dig a little deeper in the history of social psychology. Let me start by telling you the awful truth , you have no credibility with your friends or family for that matter.
Why? Because you are "not yet considered a success". How I can say that? Because if you were and you already had all the money you needed, you wouldn't have seen the opportunity in the first place or if you did, it would have meant little more to you, that an fleeting curiosity.
Let me explain this to you in a little story, it start with the fable "Birds of a feather flock together" which means that you and your family generally co-inhabit with people of same social standing as yourself. So if you are a little poor or at best just have a little bit in the bank for a rainy day, chances are that most of the people you associate with or know, are of the same social standing.
Can you see Now? , that just because you have seen a few video's, talked to some excited people and read a book or two on Network Marketing. How your family and friends, are not going to see you any different than you were last week before you saw the opportunity? Most new networkers have trouble understanding this important truth.
But! , "I hear you say" If everyone is the same, why did only you, see the opportunity? Because you were thinking about making extra money or dreaming about one day making it big, you simply unknowingly used a concept called "Mindvision" (c) ( more on that later)
BE AWARE: the negativity of the well meaning "Dream Stealers" can literally drain all your energy from you and leave you physically exhursted and emotionally drained!...
This is depicted extremely well in the following story about how an Eagles nest is situated far above a chicken pen, and the Eagle mum, accidentally knocks one of her eggs out of the nest and it lands, by sheer luck, in one of the nesting boxes of the hens down below. The story goes on to say that the Eagle egg gets reared with other hen eggs and of course one day the little Eagle is born together with a whole bunch of little chicks.
Now, the little Eagle does realise that he's not like the others, though some features are the same, but when he looks up and sees the migthy Eagles soaring through the blue sky above, something inside his heart suggest that he too could soar into the clouds. When the little eagle relates that to the other members of his new "family" , They just laugh and laugh and make funny jokes and snickers behind his back. (just like your family or friends)
Because, to the other chickens, they just see him as one of "their kind" and soaring freely into the blue sky, is not what regular chook does, is it? So sadly , eventually the little eagle hears too much of this and just settles for the "hen lifestyle" not realising that if he simply ignored these other well-meaning but ignorant twits , and spread it's wings and starts flapping , it too would majestically enjoy soaring through the blue skies.
I am sad to inform you that like so many other people in this world, The little Eagle eventually had enough , sank to its knees and laid down with its beautiful and powerful beak sinking into the dirty, filthy and flea ridden bottom of the pen. Using its last effort it rolls over on its back to catch a last glimpse of the mighty Eagles above and dies with the unfulfilled dreams still in his heart.
The morale of this story is offcourse, not to listen to all your relative and friends or even business associated that you perhaps admire or look up too as "successful". Even your "upline" in your existing networking business doesn't even know how to successfully create a massive flow of MLM Leads.
To get advice on your car, you don't see your Butcher , Do You? So to get information on how to literally explode your business with new life and prosperity, I would recommend to get reliable information from people who knows and who can help you. If you are to go through a minefield, it makes good sense to follow in someone elses footsteps, do you agree?
So take action and be the "Eagle" you were meant to be, don't scratch "in the dirt" for a few new prospects, but look up in the sky and realise that things has changed and that you need help to understand the "new marketing methods" that will create a ton of willing new prospect who wants to join your business without you even having to lift the phone. Discover the secrets to why a heavy hitter with a thousand people in his/hers downline would want to join you in your business and begging you to accept them.
To get advice on your car, you don't see your Butcher , Do You? So to get information on how to literally explode your business with new life and prosperity, I would recommend to get reliable information from people who knows and who can help you. If you are to go through a minefield, it makes good sense to follow in someone elses footsteps, do you agree?
So take action and be the "Eagle" you were meant to be, don't scratch "in the dirt" for a few new prospects, but look up in the sky and realise that things has changed and that you need help to understand the "new marketing methods" that will create a ton of willing new prospect who wants to join your business without you even having to lift the phone. Discover the secrets to why a heavy hitter with a thousand people in his/hers downline would want to join you in your business and begging you to accept them.